"I know what conscience is, to begin with. It is not what you told me it was. It is the divinest thing in us. Don't sneer at it, Harry, any more - at least not before me. I want to be good. I can't bear the idea of my soul being hideous." Oscar Wilde (The Picture Of Dorian Gray)


New hair.

I had the shittest day today ever since Tim Brown broke up with me. I can't remember feeling this little and insignificant. And despised.
The irony is that it's got to do with blogging and what people posted about me in a blog.
They are suspended from school for a certain amount of time until further notice. People acted as if I was the one to blame, however, and they acted as if everything was my fault, whereas I didn't do anything wrong.

I didn't want to feel like myself for a bit, so I decided to cut most of my hair off. Whatever.

For the first time in a very very long time, I don't feel like talking. Sorry.
I notice that I've been neglecting my blog over the past week and, with that, you guys as well. Another sorry.

I'll try to make more time; it's just that I've got a lot to do for school these days.
And my life is just not that interesting.
Ah well.
I guess it never was in the first place.


Anonymous said...

Hm it doesn't look bad, but too bad it's for these reasons.
Don't reply on such reactions on your blog. They were wrong, but you played right into their hands..

Hopefully you're getting better soon, please.


matt williams said...

Camilla, don't shed tears over any man. When one leaves an even better one pulls up.